The future of atoms and molecules: problems on the pollution and the progress

The study of chemistry has important consequences on the society that on the nature.

As an example the pollution is a consequence of a not corrected use of the scientific progress. We can observe the pollution of the sea: for effect of the alimentary pyramids the chains " prey - predator" concentrates toxic molecules and brings back to the man the poisons poured in waters.

The pollution is not produced only from the industries, but also from the agriculture that serves in order to produce food. The fight against the hunger has justified a type of agriculture where many chemical substances are used in order to destroy weeds, mildews and bugs that destroy the harvest.

Agricultural mechanisation and the use of pesticides have carried to an improvement, but also to catastrophic consequences: the chemical products are enter in the alimentary chain and the biological cycles as an example poisoning the water-bearing stratums.

There are fate chemical industries that for the immediate risks that run the population are much more dangerous also of nuclear power station.

The nuclear power station are subordinates to a highest control in order to reduce the risks to the operation defects. That does not involve that catastrophic incidents are not taken place, like the Chernobyl crisis, in Ukraine, 1986. Its outbreak has diffused one radioactive contamination in great part of Europe. The fission, in fact, produces, beyond that energy, a great slag amount that remains radioactive for longest years. The outbreak diffused these waste in the atmosphere, but also in case of normal operation, the wastes represent a problem, because it is not known how to discharge them, and if their products succeed in to pollute the biosphere, the biological cycles and the alimentary chains unavoidably lead back it to the inside of the living organisms. Here the radioactive isotopes damage the genetic program of the cells. That produces serious damages to the organism hit from cancellation, as an example tumours and leukaemias, or damages that are transmitted to the future generations genetically. This danger has lead the public opinion to oppose the construction of nuclear power stations, and to demand the closing of those existing.

All way the true problem of atomic era are the military arsenals crammed of nuclear heads that could destroy the entire humanity.

The dislike against nuclear fission is an indirect manifestation of peace desire that all the men in the world have.

Three attitudes are spread towards science, in the public opinion:

  1. For some people it is necessary to renounce gradually to science and the consumption, putting to the first place the recovery of the nature.
  2. For others it will be quite same science to resolve, with its development, the problems.
  3. For other it was attached too much importance to the production of material assets. According to this vision of the things, the science is necessary to the development of the humanity, but the science is not sufficient to safeguard humanity. It is attempted therefore to find an equilibrium between the nature and the development. It will be attempted to give to the ecology a creative role and the function to orient the technology towards more complex solutions. The future society will be built up accepting the challenge of the complexity, without to simplify that one existing.

The world will have to be considered like an only ecosystem. Every natural environment will represent a cultural value on which investing for its improvement.

We think this is a good target.