WHAT IT IS: it's a tool showing that charges of same sign repel.
HOW DOES IT SERVE ? To show that contrary charges attract each other
and that same chargel repel in such way they bend the thread .
MATERIALS: two parallelepipedal pieces of wood, four
small triangular pieces of wood, nylon thread, one small iron hook, two
plastic straws, thick iron wire.
How do you make it? Nail the four triangular pieces of wood so that
they make the rest for one of the parellelepipeds.
Nail the second parellelepiped
to the first so that you have an upside down L structure. Screw the
iron hook into the end of the horizontal arm. Knot one end of the nylon
to the hook and fix the iron wire to the other end with a knot.
the opposite end of the wire so that it can support one of the plastic
How does it work? To achieve the thread torsion effect, first of all
you have to charge the two plastic straws by rubbing them on a woollen
Place on of the straws on the shaped iron wire and bring the second
straw close to it.
The Horizontal straw will be pushed away by the other straw causing
the nylon thread to turn round. Th two straws repel because they have