This “mastermind” is a game made up of an electric circuit which is operated by two jacks, one for the questions and one for the answers. If you place one of the jacks onto a ‘question’ and place the other onto the corresopnding correct ‘answer’, a bulb will light up to confirm your guess.

Materials: a cardboard box with a lid, some metal paper fasteners, unipolar wire, a set of 4.5V batteries, a 4.5 V bulb, some nails.

How is it made? Write a series of questions (on different subjects) on the left side of the lid and write a series of corresponding answers ( in scrambled order) on the right side. Make a small hole under each question and answer. Fit a paper fastener into each hole and connect them in pairs under the lid using the unipolar wire.
Make another hole on the lid for the bulb and connect it to the 4.5 V battery. Make some other holes to the right and to the left of the bulb to pull out two pieces of wire. Connect them to the bulb and to the battery. Use two nails to make the jacks: Fix the battery to the box and carry out the testing.