Climate Change Survey


1. What is your occupation? Has your occupation changed? ..............
2. How much time do you spend outdoors now? Did you spend more/less time outdoors in the past? ...................
3. How much would you say your life today is affected by climate?
Not at all
4. How much was your life in the past affected by climate?
Not at all
5. How often do you follow weather forecasts? .................
6. Overall, would you say that climate has changed significantly during your lifetime? If so, how has it changed? ..................


How would you respond to the following statements?


Much hotter
somewhat hotter
somewhat cooler
much cooler
not sure
  • Compared to the past, today’s summer temperatures are
  • Compared to the past, today’s winter temperatures are
  • Compared to the past, the number of unusually hot days now is
  • Compared to the past, the number of unusually cold days now is
  • Compared to the past, our climate today is
  • Compared to the past, the first frost now occurs
  • Compared to the past, bird migration in the spring now occurs
  • Compared to the past, ice break up in spring now occurs
  • We have more heavy rain now than in the past
  • We have more droughts now than in the past
  • We have more snow now compared to the past

